Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Disagreement should not lead to demeaning

This, "It is my way or no way, attitude," is really pathetic. 

This kind of attitude is displayed by Chrizelda Kekana in her opinion piece published by Timeslive titled Gqom! Is it still music when people just talk along to a great beat?

It is common for each generation to find a sound that they enjoy that a generation before them does not agree with.This difference is not only in music but in clothing, career choices and in life generally.

Music is defined by as "an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony and colour.”

By now, we should all know that art is subjective. The same attitude you display against gqom was displayed against, Kwaito, South African Hip Hop, Gangster rap among others, all these genres are still standing. To say you can dance to it but it is not music, is similar to the excuse of racists/homophobes who are quick to point out that they have black/gay friends.

If you do not agree with the idea or how it is expressed, it is your problem not that of those who express themselves or agree with the expression.

To demean gqom or anything that a person does not agree with, is a reflection of the level of tolerance one has against what s/he does not agree with. To point out what you do not like is acceptable, degrading it, is not acceptable. 

The rejection of Ntando Duma reminds one that in history, The Beatles, Kanye West, Madonna and U2 were once rejected before they became internationally recognised singers. By that, I am not saying Duma will become an international superstar but the disapproval by one does not mean the others will, as it is the case with the song.

It is easy to point at Amanda Black, who at some stage was kicked out by judges at the top 16 of Idols because now she is a household name that is regarded to be talented.

As for Jiva Phez'kombhede, the song expresses an idea of dancing on top of the bed, For other generations, this act is frowned upon and is punishable, For this generation to even think of popularising it, is a reflection of how different generations do things.

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