Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Last year, 2014, was bit hectic and it quickly disappeared. I guess the is no point in crying over spilt  milk.  2015 is here and it is time to hit the ground running. Some people have come up with code names for this year, calling it 20 FIX IT or 20 FIT IN. I do not agree with the latter as I have no intentions of fitting in. I am too special for that, I have to standout  from the average people who want to fit in.

This is also a big year for me because I am turning 30 years old. It is time to reflect what have I achieved since I started working 10 years ago in the Media Monitoring Project now called Media Monitoring Africa.

On the academic front that is easy, I am disappointed at myself. Procrastination got the better of me. I only managed to get my B Tech.

But then all is not lost, I have taken steps to fix that, by registering at school.  I have also made commitment to write more on this blog. A minimum of three  posts per month with one written in my mother tongue, IsiXhosa.

With all the plans I have, it promises to be even a shorter year.  With the master plan complete, it is now time for implementation.

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