Sunday, October 14, 2012

I miss school

When one was young, He never really appreciated school holidays. After two weeks at home I would get irritated and wish that they could reopen. After just over 6 years of being a tax payer I truly miss those days. I miss being at home chilling and not knowing what do to with myself. I miss waking up at 9am and return to bed. But most importantly I miss waking up eating soft porridge and wearing my pyjamas all day. In the past three weeks things have been so hectic, I did not get a chance to do laundry. I also found my self missing school again. I remembered the day I went to school not wearing proper uniform and my grade 12 English teacher at Hlokoma High School, Miss Ngxale said "my baby you are going to miss this school uniform." Well she was telling the truth because I really miss wearing wearing uniform. I cannot take it anymore. I wish here at work they can supply me with work suits or uniform. As I continue to miss High school I need to focus on my other school work. I have to pass this B Tech this year.

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