Friday, February 15, 2008

Manipulative ANC trying to brain wash defenseless children

The ruling party, ANC, is at it again. The Minister of education has announced that they want to introduce a pledge in schools. The first sentence of the pledge is what makes my pubic hair stand up. The ANC has managed by using the public broadcaster and the name change policy to rewrite the history of the South African struggle to portray them and their members as the only people who sacrificed, suffered injustice in the hands of the apartheid rule. So by recognizing and honouring those people you are actually praising the ANC. The ANC wants to do what the old bad government did. If we do not take this pledge thing serious in 50 years time we will be doing another TRC and the people will say we did not know. We were following the government.

By the way what kind of government wants children to feel guilty about things they do not know about?

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