Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sitting on cloud nine

A boat ride with Captain Don Carlos

Above: from Left Captain Don Carlos with his assistant manoeuvring a boat in
Kei Mouth.

The Myth about black people being scared of water was dismissed by the journalists I took a boat ride with.

This boat ride was scary compared to the one's I have taken before. This is not because the boat was small but the captain was a black guy called Don Carlos. To be specific a Xhosa man from the rural areas of Eastern Cape.
I tried invein to convince Carlos to tell me why his parents gave him that name. And it got me worked out big time. I convinced my self the might be three reason the man was given this name
No. 1. His father is a big raggea music love who decided to name his son after singer Don Carlos.
No.2. His family was enslaved by the Carlos family
No.3. The doctor that helped when he was born was Dr Don Carlos.

Carlos proved to be a talented man when we arrived on the other side of the river. He changed his Captain hat for a plant expect one.
Looking shy Carlos was not easy man to have a conversation with. But when he started talking about trees and plants there was no stopping him.
The boat ride was truly majest
Ahoy Captain Don Carlos Ahoy

Just to prove the is no Cholera in the Smooth flowing rivers of Eastern Cape

Ndibuyile zidwesha. It is funy how I had to come to work in Johannesburg in order to get a tour of the Eastern Cape. The tour hosted by the Eastern Cape tourism Board was beautiful . After playing in the river I was scared because of the recent Cholera reports around the country. But I ok infact I have never been better.

I had a chance to chill at the Kei Mouth river in Chintsa.