Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Stiring the Houdini in the face

On the work side of things, I have been  doing a lot of court reporting this year. Sitting in that cold room with hard wooden chairs all day has been a jol.

I had a plessure or nightmare of sitting behind Ananias Mathe for two days.

I must say it is quite an overwhelming thing to be around the man. The is the issue of the high security in court, my fear of guns.

Almost forgot it is a new year

I have started 2009 or should I say 2000 and shine on a high note. This is not because I had been drinking a lot of energy drinks . It seems like this is my year. I have not consulted a Sangoma online or been to church so that I can be told what I already know.

To prove that it is going to be a great year, the Eastern Cape Tourism Board has invited me to a tour of the province. if that is not a great way to start a year I do not know what is

Watch the space for the pictures of the Eastern Cape Tour

Ohh almost forgot HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!